Prof. Max Nieuwdorp
  • Professor in Internal Medicine at Amsterdam UMC – University of Amsterdam
  • Head department of vascular medicine
  • Head laboratory of experimental vascular medicine
  • Chair Diabetes Center Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Professor Nieuwdorp studied Medicine at Utrecht University and received his Ph.D. in diabetes at the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA; under supervision of Professor John Kastelein).  After a residency in Internal Medicine and fellowship in Endocrinology at the AMC-UvA he performed a postdoctoral fellowship on glycobiology at University of California, San Diego in the department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine under Professor Jeff Esko. Professor Nieuwdorp is past recipient of a ZONMW VENI and VIDI grant. He was part of several EU FP7 and Horizon 2020 consortium grants (MyNewGut, Promiss) as well as a current IMI grant (Litmus).


In the previous CVON IN CONTROL grant, Prof Nieuwdorp’s group showed that using fecal transplantation from vegan donors does not affect TMAO metabolism (Smits, JAHA 2018). In another study, we showed that fecal transplantation from vegan donors does affect livergene expression in NAFLD-NASH patients, which is associated with changes in specific intestinal bacterial strains (Witjes/Smits, manuscript in preparation). In the current CVON2 followup consortium, we will focus on further application of therapeutic bacterial strains in human cardiometabolism.

Currently he is both chair of the AMC Diabetes Center as well as chief of Clinical and Experimental Vascular Medicine department; he oversees the work of 25 Ph.D. students, 5 postdoctoral fellows and 4 technicians both at location AMC and VUmC. His group focuses on translational research aimed at dissecting the causal role of (small) intestinal bacterial strains in development of diabetes mellitus, NASH and cardiovascular disease. Prof Nieuwdorp has published > 130 peer reviewed articles including papers in Science, Cell, NEJM, Nature Medicine, Cell Metabolism, Gut and Gastroenterology (H-factor 40).